What is Shiatsu?

What actually is the process of “doing shiatsu”? How does a shiatsu treatment go? How can shiatsu benefit the body?

What is shiatsu?

Shiatsu is a physical therapy which uses a combination of pressure points, gentle stretches and joint rotations. Our intention is to re-energise areas of the body that need energising, as well as dispersing energy from areas of the body that have excess energy. In shiatsu we are working with the same pressure points on the body as in acupuncture, these pressure points are from TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) just instead of needles we are using our bodies to stimulate these points. We also work with the meridians which join the points together forming lines which are channels of energy that run through the body. All of the meridians relate to a particular organ having specific characteristics which often align with their position on the body. Shiatsu is the process of stimulating the points and meridians through touch and channelling energy through to them.

How does a treatment go?

In shiatsu the most common way to do a treatment is on a futon laid on the floor as it is the best way to have the givers body aligned and grounded so that we can treat from our centre. Shiatsu is done fully clothed and it is a non-invasive therapy. Through a treatment we will use stretches and rotations of the joints to open the muscles up which opens the body up, creating space and releasing tension. Then we work on two meridians (one meridian with depleted energy, and one with excess energy) and any particular points that may benefit being held depending on what condition the client is presenting with. This looks like the giver working along the meridian typically with thumbs and palms, whilst stretching out the areas of the body that the meridians run through.

How does shiatsu benefit the body?

Shiatsu has many benefits and can help relieve a lot of physical tension and pain felt throughout the body. Shiatsu treatment is deeply relaxing as it stimulates the para-sympathetic nervous system and I believe that this is a key part of shiatsu because it is in this state of deep relaxation and stillness that the body can heal and repair itself. The body is always doing so much throughout the day with all the stimulations around us even when you feel as though you are sitting down and chilling out there will probably be something at the back of your mind. Through constant stimulation we have become addicted to thinking and this manifests on a bodily level. As our minds and bodies are woven together and literally interlinked by every cell, our thoughts, feelings and emotions of course have a direct impact on our bodies. Through a shiatsu treatment the body is gradually being eased into a state of deep rest, the para-sympathetic nervous system is being activated which affects all of the bodies systems as the nervous system controls the functions of the entire body. I think because in shiatsu we are working with the energy body as well as the physical body the list of things that shiatsu can help with is endless, I feel like it can be quite like reiki sometimes in the way we are channelling energy.